
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Some interesting tools found on the journey

Scrible : allows you to mark up web pages in your browser and manage and collaborate on them online. Having set up an account - free- I started using it. You can highlight, color, bold, underline text, add sticky notes, categorise your annotations (this is a great idea, especially in collaborations) and export them, save and share, organise and search your findings from the internet. I found it easy to use (with a bookmarklet similar to diigo's and I have thought that I will try this alongside Diigo for a different set of tags. It's in public beta and worth a look.

Simple CC Flickr search : By Dan Coulter. It really is a simple search. This tool searches Flickr’s database of CC licensed images and alongside the photo you choose it gives you either an embed code for easy attribution or an image stamp that puts the attribution directly on the photo.What a great tool to teach students about Creative Commons licensing and copyright 

Jinni : A taste engine for film. As the creators say: We look at film through the lens of what makes you love or hate anything you watch. With a Taste Engine, you don't search by what you're looking for, you search by what you like. And recommendations are based on analyzing your preferences, not statistics." I wish there was one for books. Maybe there is and you can let me know in the comments.

Curatr : A great concept. First the idea of a curator of content who "define(s) the topic, add(s) the first content and create(s) the levels and gateways required to play the game. Second the focus on social gaming and encouraging learners to create and share their learning journeys. I love it. It uses the metaphor of a museum as "places of learning, bringing together a wide-range of learning objects to tell stories and create experiences that both fascinate and educate".  This is definitely a tool that has great potential and I am following it up and exploring further.

Learnfizz is a new curation tool that enables you to find and organise the myriad of free learning resources on the web, to help you and your colleagues learn whatever you need to. It too uses a metaphor of building an academy around your favourite topic. It is still in private beta, but you can apply to be one of the first to try it out. I first heard about it on twitter in the context of the recentOnline Educa Berlin Conference and this blog post does a good recap of the way it was presented.

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